* Flight Reimbursement up to $500.
   Hotel rooms available until 10/11/24 or until they run out! 

Learn How to Create Your Successful Overages Business 
 Direct From my Team of Experts

FREE Hotel & Flight Special!

Register by October 11th, 2024

 and we will pay for your hotel room & flight!

 and we will pay for your hotel room & flight!

 Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON! (Please Wait For Video To Fully Load)

Register today and go further!

Relax and unwind in San Antonio while learning and sharing ideas with the best in the industry.

Time Left to Get Your Free Hotel & Flight!

December 10-13, 2024 | San Antonio

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Come to San Antonio and Learn the Overages Business From the Experts, AND Get Your Hotel and Flight on Us!

Join us in San Antonio!!

Our Overages Workshop LIVE has always been in high demand. Because being trained by the leading attorney in the overages business gives you an enormous advantage in the marketplace. Having the knowledge of how to do an overages deal from start to finish gives you credibility, which gives you confidence. And confidence closes deals.

We have been very blessed in life, and the overages business is a big part of that!

And as they say, there is no pleasure like giving to others, so we have decided to give you a gift - the opportunity to come get trained with our team and kick your overages business into high gear!

But if we do this, we want to "Do It Right" and we want a full room. So we have decided to have a little fun! If you register by October 11th, 2024, we will pay for your hotel room AND reimburse your flight to the event (up to $500)! Come to San Antonio for this one-of-a-kind event, get trained by the experts, AND fly for free!

Make sure you are on track to meet or EXCEED your income and revenue goals!

And this Overages Workshop LIVE will get you there!

But you MUST be willing to play full-out. You have to be willing to STOP all the wasteful activities in your business and eliminate all the treadmill ‘time-suckers’ that distract you from MAKING MONEY! 

I’ll Show You EXACTLY How To Meet…And EXCEED…Your Financial Goals!

There’s one catch, though… You have to be a serious business owner, professional, or ‘Overages Blueprint’ member to attend.

You must demonstrate desire, motivation, and passion to even think about coming to “Overages Workshop LIVE!”


Because the goal of this exclusive training is to make damn certain you’re among your peers when it comes to getting and generating the income and results you crave and deserve.


We’re weeding out the whiners and wishful wannabe’s right from the get-go.

No messin’ around at this event.

Join Me In San Antonio and Learn Overages From America's Tax Sale Attorney

Return home ready to start your Overages Business.

We will teach you the entire Overages business from A to Z.  From getting lists to making claims.

You can even fly in 3 days early...and stay at our special discounted rate we reserved for you!

In addition to teaching you the fundamentals, you will also learn powerful, insider information far beyond what we teach in our home study course, such as:

  • Making Claims without Claimants: How you can sometimes make claims when you cannot find the former owner (sometimes you can make a whole lot more money that way).
  • Two Additional States: We give you two additional states you can operate in that are not on the "recommended list" because they take specialized training.  We will give you that training at this live event.  This can be a big advantage because competition is minimal in these additional states.
  • $10,000 Sales Script: You also get a powerful sales script we paid a world class sales trainer to write for us.  The same one we use in our Overages Business.  This advanced sales script will have claimants begging you to sign them up so they can work with you.
  • $30,000 in Leads:  We will give you $30,000 worth of leads to jump start your business.  Close just $8,000 of those leads and you can more than pay for this event with your profits!
  • ​​Special Mortgage Overages Training: Taught Personally By Bob Diamond. This is a previously untapped source of 500,000+ new overages leads! This is currently the only way to get access to this training and new lead flow from us. (Value: PRICELESS)

Discover the Incredible Opportunity With Mortgage Overages 

You'll Get Access To: 

A Previously Untapped Source Of 500,000+ New Overages Leads!

Bring Your Partner or Family Member for Free!

Many people want to do this with a business partner, spouse or family member.  We want to make that easier for you so you can Bring a Partner/Friend/Family Member for Free!  

Free Airfare and Hotel for First 21 People

We are giving you a free hotel room that you can use for you and up to three additional guests, plus a $500 Travel allowance that you can use yourself or share between yourself and your guest(s).  

Airfare from major cities as of the writing of this is generally $500 to $600 per roundtrip ticket from major U.S. cities.  We are giving you a $500 airfare allowance so you can most likely fully cover one ticket and most of the cost of two tickets.

The Overages Business is Booming

The Overages Business is booming with the recession, inflation and increased foreclosures. 

Now is the perfect time to get in on Overages.
According to Yahoo News foreclosures are up 167% since last year. 

And the number of foreclosures is still increasing due to  inflation, increased interest rates, and recession.

And with more foreclosures, there are more Overages, because Overages come from Foreclosures.

A lot of people are suffering from foreclosures but In the Overages business you are the bearer of good news and badly needed help! Your work is Helping those folks get Overages money back so they can get restarted in life.

And as a reward you make a lot of money for yourself and your family.

It's the perfect business and perfect for today. You help people who desperately need the help and you make a great living for yourself and your family!

The Overages Business if Perfect for You If You Want: 

  • Profitable, Feel Good Business: You want a powerful, profitable, "feel good" business where you help people get badly needed money back
  • Can Start on the Side: You are looking for a business you can start as a "side hustle" quickly grow into a financial powerhouse for you and your family.
  • You want to retire from your current job: You would like to retire but need to build your savings or simply have continuing income so you can retire from what you are doing now.
  • Can Replace Your Current Income: You want to start a profitable business that can replace your current income.
  • Scalable:  You want a business you can scale...this business can scale to a multimillion dollar enterprise.
  • You Want a Quiet At Home Business: You can create a small business where you work quietly from a spare bedroom with some occasional help or working with a family member in ten hours or so a week.
  • ​You Want to make up for the Current Challenging Economy:  A profitable business will make inflation, higher interest rates and a recession not matter to you or your family.  

This is Your Chance to Get in on Overages In Four Quick Days

At our four day Overages Workshop LIVE, you will learn the Overages business from A to Z.

Everything you need to know to get started including:

- The best places to operate your business (best states, counties etc.)
- How to get the lists of overages
- How to locate the people owed the money
- What to say to them so they are excited to hire you to help them get their money back
- How to put the paperwork together and claim the money.

The event is taught by attorney Bob Diamond and his team of Overages Practitioners.  You will be learning from "doers" who are in the business, not from theoriticians.

Life Changing and Powerful

It will truly be four powerful, life-changing days.

You will learn the entire business and leave ready to hit the ground running.

You will have fun and you will learn a new business that hopefully will allow you to vacation EVERY YEAR from your Overages Profits!

Your Dates with Destiny are December 10-13, 2024

It all happens at our Overages Workshop LIVE, December 10-13 in San Antonio.

Arrive on Monday December 9th, enjoy the beautiful hotel and be ready at 8AM Tuesday morning to learn the Overages Business.

We go from 9AM Tuesday December 10th through 3PM Friday December 13th.

More Overages Pros are Needed

Foreclosures are through the roof!  Up 167% according to Yahoo news and corroborated with quite a few other news sources.

We need good people getting foreclosed homeowners their money back - otherwise that money will simply be forfeited to the Government.

And we want to teach good people who want a profitable business helping foreclosed homeowners. 

If that sounds like you, then incredible success can be yours. 

No Experience Needed

You don't need experience in Overages to come to this event. 

You don't need to have your Overages business up and running.

You just need to come to the event open minded and ready to learn.

Since we teach the entire business in the course you do need the home study course to come learn at this live event.

All Your Questions Answered

We answer all your questions at this event.  Whatever you need to know to confidently start your Overages Business.

We meet individually with you to make sure you are "good to go" and all your questions are answered.

Questions are particular to you but may be questions such as
- "What are the best places to do the business?"
- "What do I say to a prospective claimant?"
- "How do I put together the deal and claim the money?"

This Event will Sell Out Quickly

It is not every day that an attorney and his team of experts offers to teach a powerful, life-changing business and to pay for your airfare and hotel!

We are sending this invitation to several thousand people but the special offer of airfare and hotel is limited to 21 people.

The total event size is limited to 75 attendees.

With the Free Airfare and Hotel offer, combined with the $10,000 sales script, $30K in leads and individual attention it is truly a "no brainer" offer.

And we even guarantee your satisfaction.  If you don't love it by end of day one, let us know that day and we will refund your entire tuition.

Why only 75 People Maximum?

We limit the event to 75 Attendees including guests, so you can get personal attention. 

Because often the difference between success and failure is getting your questions answered.

Important Facts

 Government entities are stealing money from down-on-their-luck citizens. And it's totally legal!

 The people owed these funds often have no idea - because it's in the government's best interest not to try very hard to notify them!

 These people will likely never receive the money that they are entitled to without your help!

See What Our Previous Attendees Have to Say!

"This is the real deal. I know this is the real thing. I've been in this business for a long time in the real estate industry and the financial world. And I know that this is a very real business and we're going to do it."

- Tim H.

"I'm retiring next year. So when I got into the program...I said, well, this can be another revenue from my retirement. So I chose to sign up for the live workshop. And now I'm here and I'm enjoying this is the best time of my life. If you try, you would definitely enjoy it. You will learn a lot, especially from Bob Diamond and his team."

- Richard W.

“It was a wonderful experience, very pleasant and more than I expected. Bob gave a lot, and I was impressed with his integrity of the business that he presents, and himself. It's very rare that you ever find that out around the business world... It's economy proof too, because when the economy goes down, there's gonna be more overages, which is so exciting."

- Jerry F.

The Down and Dirty!

This workshop-style event is run different from any other "seminar." At this event we teach you all the steps - list-getting, skip-tracing, marketing and the mechanics of claims. And as soon as we teach a step - you immediately do an exercise to practice the step! The "practice" of doing the business with REAL LEADS will sear the learning into your brain and you will be ready to do the business after four intensive, fun filled, and thrilling days with us.

This is "real world" because you will be working YOUR list of $30,000 in overage leads that we give you - BUT ONLY if you are one of the first 50 to register!

This is a LIFE-CHANGING event that you will remember as a turning point in your business life.

Change starts with your environment and relationships. And you start by coming to this event and immersing yourself in a learning environment like no other…

With other like-minded, inspired, dedicated, and savvy business minds who will do whatever it takes to be massively successful.
Self-starters ONLY!

Don’t get me wrong. I’ll supply all the PROVEN and DOCUMENTED strategies, tools, and hands-on high level ‘covert’ training to get you where you want to go.

And I’ll be there to guide you every step of the way…for four full days.

But there’s just no room or time for anyone who’s ‘needy’ or requires constant pampering and babysitting.

And the reason I say this…and you know it’s true…is because these type of folks are time and energy sucks. And that’s just not fair to YOU or any of the other attendees! Plain and simple.

I’m looking for folks like YOU who LOVE getting down and dirty in a 100% hands-on, workshop training environment…

And watching their business explode and their bank account get fat…

And doing what it takes to make that happen.

Who This Training is For

This Overages Workshop LIVE has no equal when it comes to churning out success stories.

You’re going to hit the ground running. It’ll be non-stop EXPERIENTIAL, HANDS ON, TOTAL IMMERSION overages training with me and my team for 4 solid, no-holds-barred days.

This IS NOT a talking heads event. My team and I will be your trainers, mentors, and coaches for the entire workshop event. No outside speakers, no filler, no fluff.

So the question is… Is this event and training right for you?
Well, it is if you’re a…

 Current owner of the “Overages Blueprint” system (if you do not currently own the program, you will need to purchase it before you can attend, which you can do HERE

 Serious overages biz owner chomping at the bit to blast your 2024 income through the roof

 Driven ‘career shifter’ looking for an easy-to-implement, highly lucrative business

 Bad-ass business owner seeking a rich ‘plug n’ play’ opportunity to slip into for tremendous growth and expansion

 Transitioning professional who wants a high-income-generating business they can get up and running, fast and furious, on autopilot, and operate from home

 Person who thrives on over-the-shoulder, workshop-style, ‘here’s exactly how to do it’ training

What You Can Expect

First, you’re going to get advanced money-making overages strategies…that will ONLY be revealed at the event. They WILL NOT be available in any course materials or products.

Also, due to the sensitive nature of this high-level training, only current owners and members of the “Overages Blueprint” system, serious business owners, and professionals will be allowed to attend. (If you would like access to the event but do not yet have ‘Overages Blueprint’,( see below for details.)

If you’re sincerely motivated to ramp up, rev up, and fire up your overages business, you’ll get what you need to…

 Learn by actually doing the overages business under our guidance and kick your business into HIGH GEAR

 Skyrocket your overages income in record time

 Close HIGH DOLLAR DEALS quickly and easily

 Find ANY missing claimant, ANYWHERE in the country

 Run your entire business on autopilot…from home…in your slippers

 Create business-boosting breakthroughs using highly advanced overage strategies

 Learn how you can do the business using an alternate strategy that works in states that are not on our "recommended" list, but by using this alternate strategy, you can work in ALL the states with NO fee restrictions.

 Learn what type of entity you should be working in to minimize your liability and taxes

 Learn how to set up your technical backbone so you can operate your business -- using team members all over the world -- and never miss a beat

And nothing…and I mean nothing…accomplishes this more effectively and efficiently than to sit in a private, closed-door setting with ‘the expert’ and surround yourself with other like-minded business owners. 

Because when you have direct, live access to the best trainer and coach, you naturally…and automatically…get the ‘juice’ you need to take your knowledge and your business to the next level. And that’s powerful stuff.

America's Top Overages Attorney Bob Diamond Reveals
His Monumentally Successful Method of Finding and Returning Tax Overages to their Rightful Owner

A little background.

When I started out, there was no overages course or seminar. No one was teaching it, there was very little information, and there certainly weren’t any experts. I had to teach myself…the hard way. By the seat of my pants. By lots of educated guesswork and putting all the puzzle pieces together (here’s where my law school training and thinking came in handy).

I had to physically go down to the different county courthouses to research records, write snail mail letters by hand, and hit the library and sit for hours poring through book after mind-numbing book to find ANY information I could on the subject.

I’ll admit, it was an amazing education…but I wouldn’t wish what I went through on anybody. Talk about exhausting and time consuming!

Boy, I would’ve given ANYTHING to have someone teach me what to do…

To have that ‘hands on’ experience. Face to face. A mentor. A coach. Look, some folks are great ‘do it your-selfers.’ But that wasn’t me. (I know what you’re saying…”Bob, I don’t believe you one bit. You’re a big shot attorney. Since when do you need help?”) Well, if you want to know how much effort, blood, sweat, and tears went into figuring out the “business” side of this business…not to mention all the intricacies of the LEGAL side…

Just ask my brother Ed what I went through. He’d LOVE to sit you down over a beer and give you the whole uncensored story… about how his smarty-pants brother Bob gave himself facial tics trying to do EVERYTHING himself!

When we teamed up in 2009 and went into business together (Ed runs the business and marketing, I’m the beauty and the brains)… We decided then and there, without exception, that we’d only do what we loved. Period. 

We would only work with and surround ourselves with ‘A’ caliber people and players… and only associate with winners. Because when you do that, everybody wins. The overages business is exactly like that…a business run by winners. 

That’s precisely why the Overages Workshop Live is perfect for insatiable business minds like YOURS. Because you’re looking for those extra insights, those ‘secret doors’ to help you grow and really streamline your overages business.

What Past Attendees Have to Say...

Money-Making, Business-Building Mastery

This live training will show you what VIP really means.
My brother Ed and I spend high six figures every year for mastermind training, mentoring, and consulting. Why?
Because we choose to get expert advice from the experts. 

We’ve given up the path of trying to figure it out for ourselves…

…Because it’s NOT a great use of our time, money, or energy. And you’ll find that all great business owners and titans ascribe to this very same mindset.

In fact, doing it on your own is a painful hamster wheel existence…Sisyphus eternally pushing that boulder up the mountain. We constantly surround ourselves with people who are much brighter and more experienced than we are.

As a great business coach once said, “If you’re the smartest guy in the room, you’re in the wrong room.”
Here’s what’s great about this: We always recover…and exceed…our investment from just a single idea whenever we attend. In fact, we typically yield 5x-10x back on our investment.

Where else can you get those kinds of returns?

Here are some KEY THINGS to keep in mind when you decide to attend this training:

 Jerks and ‘Me Monsters’ are strictly prohibited. If you’re a downer, someone who’s negative, a chronic pessimist, require total baby-sitting, believe that everyone owes you something because you exist, then please don’t apply. This is an ELITE business training with high-level business minds.

 Be prepared to be challenged. My team and I will push you. We’ll pull you as well. You’ll go beyond your comfort zone. And you’ll discover that true success lies just on the other side of your discomfort.

 Open Mind, Open Doors. The more willing and receptive you are to EVERYTHING that happens at the training, the faster you’ll grow…in all areas of your business and life. You’ll be amazed at how much opportunity opens up when YOU open up.

 Direct Access to an Attorney. I will personally be guiding and instructing you for 4 solid days. I will be right there with you, answering your questions, supporting you…step-by-step, right by your side. My team and I will be literally looking over your shoulder. BRING YOUR LAPTOP.

 Carbon Copy Our Success. It’s really that simple. You won’t be getting theory, you won’t be getting an un-tested idea. I’ll be giving you an exact duplicate blueprint of what’s working right now…TODAY…in my business. Money-making, business-building mastery.

From the Desk of Bob Diamond
Thursday, 7:53am

Dear Overages Business Owner,

I’ve been a real estate investor for over 24 years. I’ve been a licensed attorney for 19 years. But here’s something you should know about me…

Law is my second passion. My first passion is teaching and coaching lifelong adult learners who want to take control of their lives by making the income they crave on their own terms.

And hands down, one of my absolute favorite strategies for accomplishing this is Overages.
As you may already know, our team has been doing overages since 2005. And, after keeping it solely in-house for 9 years…where very few others knew about this strategy… I agreed to open it to the public about a year ago.

“Overages Blueprint” has only been available through a select few joint venture partners who asked me to offer it to their ‘people.’

The few investors -- both newbies and seasoned -- who were fortunate enough to grab a copy of “Overages Blueprint” have experienced amazing…and life-changing…results.

It’s a complete, easy to understand, easy to implement system.

So, due to extreme demand from our students to do a live event, we delivered a spectacular live training. Wildly successful.

And again, despite my promise to never do another Overages event, you’re going to have one more opportunity to super-charge your business when you attend…

Just Like These Past Attendees...

Overages Workshop LIVE! 

December 10 - 13 | Tues-Weds-Thurs-Fri | San Antonio

When you attend this event, you’re going to be totally immersed in 4 jam-packed days of exclusive high-level training. Get WAY more done in less time. You’re going to get everything you need to pump your business into hyperdrive.

Nothing held back.

You’ll get all my best secrets, tools, tips, and strategies that will help you skyrocket your business… From ANYWHERE in the world! AND…

You’ll discover how to find and locate ANY missing claimant anywhere in the country… EVEN if they live in a ramshackle hut deep in the woods of Montana!


You'll Be Getting $30,000 in Overage Leads - 
But ONLY if You Are One of the 
FIRST 50 PEOPLE to Register!

(You may want to hurry, these go fast!)

This is REAL VALUE. Not hyped up, trumped up ‘perceived’ value. An actual list of overages that we pull, specifically for you.

You have an unprecedented opportunity to potentially bank $8K…just for showing up!
And l’m going to personally show you how to ‘work the list.’

When you attend “Overages Workshop LIVE” you’ll be part of an elite group of savvy business owners with privileged access to tightly-guarded (and even confidential) intelligence.

The training, coaching, and information you get is designed for success.

Here’s What You'll Get…


Simply Lather, Rinse, and Repeat!

“Overages Workshop LIVE” was specifically designed and created to put your business on steroids…
My goal is to help make your life EASIER and your business effortless by developing a system that’s replicable.

In a nutshell, the overages system I’ve created is “McDonalds’ style." Set it up, get the pieces in place, and go.
Nothing is left to chance or guesswork.

So not only will you get everything described above, but you’ll also learn how to build a massively profitable and sustainable BUSINESS.

Because You’re Also Going to Discover How To…

 Build your all-star team…so THEY do all the heavy lifting

 Create long-lasting, healthy partnerships

 Easily track and measure your metrics…so you always have a scorecard for success

 Manage your time and activities…to achieve the greatest results

 Blast your productivity through the roof

 End the procrastination…using this one simple ‘mindset’ shift

 Outsource all the activities you SHOULD NOT be doing

 Focus your time ONLY on high-dollar, productive activities

By Invitation Only

Overages Workshop LIVE is an exclusive opportunity for you to truly rocket your business into the stratosphere.

This training IS NOT open to the general public. This is strictly for YOU, a current owner and member of the “Overages Blueprint” system.

I specifically designed it this way…so you get the most and best out of the event without any outside distractions. And that especially includes folks who aren’t familiar with overages and my system.

As mentioned earlier, if you want to attend but you don’t have the “Overages Blueprint” system, you must purchase it prior to attending. (See link at the end of this letter.)

Overages Workshop LIVE

October 10 - 13 Tues-Weds-Thurs-Fri | San Antonio

There are only 75 seats available for this one-of-a-kind program. I capped it at 75 for a reason…any more than that and the event loses its ‘personal touch.’ I want to make damn sure you have access to me so you get your burning questions answered and the attention you deserve.

Those of you who know me and have seen me teach and coach know that I run a very relaxed room. It’s critical that there’s the optimal learning environment and atmosphere in place. Bottom line, you’re going to feel like we’re having a fireside chat. Personal, intimate, and conducive for the flow and exchange of ideas.

With so few spots available, I highly suggest you reserve your seat today. So, what’s your investment to attend this highly sought-after event?

This hands-on event is a 4-day intensive....Where the best and brightest, the doers and action-takers, convene for exclusive closed-door access to Overage experts, content, and step-by-step guidance available nowhere else.

I purposely priced this event to make it so affordable and of such great value that there would be ZERO barrier to entry.

Your investment for Overages Workshop LIVE is only $3,497. That’s it. Just $3,497.

And remember…you automatically get $30,000 in overage leads (IF you are one of the first 50 people to register!)
Plus ‘Skip Tracing Secrets’ to locate ANY missing claimant in the country!

So chances are pretty darn good you’ll land your first deal or two right there at the event!
This is your special invitation as a business owner, professional, and member of “Overages Blueprint.”

PLUS…and This is My Gift to You…

You’re Welcome to Invite a Spouse or Business Partner for FREE!

 Because I Believe Everyone Should Experience ‘Five-Star First Class’ Service,

I’ve Created a Special VIP Package. 
This includes…

 Up-front seating at the event

 Soiree with Bob and his Team

 Online access to a recording of all the teachings...to review and share with your team back home

 A fully catered dinner & cocktails at Topgolf!

 A private, unrecorded breakfast Where our team will be role-playing calls!

The VIP Package is only an additional $597 per person.

Register Right Now…
And Get Your Flight For Free!

I Can Tell You This... 
This Event WILL SELL OUT. Fast!

Once you register, you’ll get all the event details.

Again, when you come to “Overages Workshop LIVE,” you’re going to hit the ground running.

Your trainer for ALL 4 DAYS will be me, Bob Diamond, and my team that I work with on overages every day.

No outside speakers, no hype, no BS, no pitchfest. GUARANTEED. Just total learning and education dedicated to your success as an overages business owner.

I’m Taking 100% of the Risk

You’re either thinking, “Wow, $3,497 is a lot of money” or “$3,497 is a drop in the bucket for this opportunity.” In either case, I want to guarantee your complete satisfaction.

If you’re going to participate in this mastermind training, I want you to show up WITHOUT a single doubt in your mind about whether or not you’ve made the right decision. And the only way to do that is to completely eliminate your risk.

This is how dead serious I am about this training and what it can do for you, your business, your lifestyle, and your life.

This is a serious opportunity for someone like you who WANTS to up their game…for someone who chooses to join the ranks of the ‘One Percenters’ in business.

That’s precisely what I’m going to do.

If you aren’t 100% satisfied for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back by the end of the first day by seeing a staff member. This ensures that you will give us an opportunity to fully work with you and ensure that we have given you all we have to give! 

The Choice Is Simple


You can continue on at your own pace and work your Overages Blueprint course on your own time and schedule, fighting the distractions of your every day life. Someday you may build a business that will support you and the lifestyle you desire.


You can make the same decision that many students have already made, and that is to let me teach you, live and in person. Let me be your guide, hold your hand, and give you the instruction and training that you rightfully deserve.

Which Choice Are You Going To Make?

   YES! I am a current Overages Blueprint course owner and want to learn how to build a lucrative, sustainable business in this unique and profitable niche with incredible growth opportunity! *

* Not a current Overages Blueprint course owner? We still want you to attend, but you must
purchase the course before you can come to the event - which you can do by clicking HERE.

I can’t wait to meet and speak with you face-to-face. See you in San Antonio!!

PS: I can’t emphasize this enough:

The content and $30,000 in overage leads are for attendees only.

So click the ‘Register Now’ button to secure your seat for this spectacular hands-on, step by step ‘Overages on Steroids’ event.
You must purchase the course before you can come to the event - which you can do by clicking HERE.

PPS: If you would like to attend but are not a current owner of “Overages Blueprint," Click Here.

Copyright 2024 - Diamond Law Center, LLC - All Rights Reserved

IMPORTANT: We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We offer you a 100% satisfaction guarantee! If you are not happy, for any reason, with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back by the end of the first day by seeing a staff member. This ensures you will have given us an opportunity to fully work with you and ensure that we have given you all we have to give! You agree to give us back all training materials, any lists of overages we have provided, and to forego any hotel room or flight reimbursement promotion for which you may have qualified.

Cancellation policy: If you cancel your registration prior to 14 days before the event start date, you will receive a full refund. If you cancel between 14 and 7 days before the event start date, you will receive a 50% refund. There are no refunds for cancellations made less than 7 days from the event start date. Changing your registration to another event will void any bonuses for which you may have qualified, including the free hotel and the travel reimbursement.

Force Majeure Event Changes or Cancellations: In the event a live event must be canceled, rescheduled, or reconfigured due to government regulations or orders (such as COVID-related orders that limit the size of gatherings), you may choose to either attend the event in its reconfigured state, or reschedule your registration to a future comparable event taking place within the next twelve (12) months. Examples of a reconfiguration could involve breaking up the attendees into multiple rooms in order to reduce the number of people per room, and simulcasting the event into each room, or other changes as required by law or regulation. In the event that you choose to reschedule and attend a future event, you will be responsible for any costs incurred by that rescheduling, including, but not limited to, flight change fees, lost time at work, etc. We do not offer refunds due to forced rescheduling or reconfiguration from a hotel or government agency. If any changes to the event need to be made, we will do our best to notify you promptly by email to the address with which you registered, and, if we are able to, by calling you at the phone number associated with your account. We are not responsible for any costs or inconvenience incurred by you if we have made a good faith effort to contact you regarding said changes, but were unable to do so. We will do our utmost to ensure a safe and successful event for you.

You should know that all products and services offered by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, on any of our websites, or in any of our content or curricula is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax, or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced herein, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises of actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer, or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change, your business, or your finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions, and results in life, and by your registration here you agree to not attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions, or results, at any time, under any circumstance. Read our full terms, conditions, and disclaimers here: http://www.overagesblueprint.com/terms

When you invest in our overages system, you are eligible to buy a ticket to our live workshop. You may attend one workshop event; repeated attendance is not allowed. The reason is simple: fairness. There is always more demand than available seats for our workshop events, and it is unfair to block someone who has never been to an event with a person that has already attended. In order to attend a live event, your membership must be in good standing; this means that you are up to date with all payments due, and have been a positive, upbeat person when interacting with Support. We do reserve the right to say "no" to people as attendees who, in our judgment, are not a good fit.

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