Find More Claimants & Make More Money

Get Our Advanced Skip-Tracing Training So You Can Find More Claimants & Make More Money




I hope that you're overages businesses underway and screaming along. Now we've had a number of people call into the office looking for help finding claimants owed a lot of money. 

Those claimants that are on overages list, but where the overages professionals been unable to find the person using the skip tracing, training. 

We don't do skip tracing for other people. Absolutely not. So we simply have to tell our students that that's normal not be able to find everybody. The skip tracing training in our overages course is going to find the 50 to 60% of the claimants. 

Find More Claimants & Make More Money

Get Our Advanced Skip-Tracing Training So You Can Find More Claimants & Make More Money




I hope that you're overages businesses underway and screaming along. Now we've had a number of people call into the office looking for help finding claimants owed a lot of money. 

Those claimants that are on overages list, but where the overages professionals been unable to find the person using the skip tracing, training. 

We don't do skip tracing for other people. Absolutely not. So we simply have to tell our students that that's normal not be able to find everybody. The skip tracing training in our overages course is going to find the 50 to 60% of the claimants. 

That's enough to run a great business, but you're going to need more advanced training if you want to find some of those extra people that you can't find with the normal skip tracing methods.

And strangely enough, we reminded the students who called in for help that they were offered advanced skip tracing training when they invested in the overages course. A number of them said they did not remember seeing that offer.

 I am not sure if there was some computer glitch or if people just are pretending they didn't or just forgetful but I'll give everybody the benefit of doubt. Perhaps everyone did not see the offer for advanced skip tracing training, along with the special pricing available the time they invested in the overages course. So in case you did not see the offer at the time you invested in overates, to make sure that you have a fair opportunity to get the advanced PI skip tracing training. 

Here is a second chance. Second chances don't come along too often in life, but sometimes fortune smiles upon us and a second chance does come along, and this is your second chance.


he Level of Success


 he Level of Success

The level of success that you achieve in your overages business is largely dependent on you finding and signing up claimants. It's as simple and as powerful as this. The more claimants you find the more claimants you'll sign up and the more money you will make.

You can have all knowledge in the world about the overages business, but if you can't locate qualified claimants, you'll never make the big dollars that you deserve to make. It's a very, very simple formula. Claimants found equals profits made more clients found equals more profits made.

Now the skip tracing training and our base overages course will help you find most but certainly not all claimants that you're searching for. And only people you find can hire you.

The skip tracing that you learn in our base overages is typically going to get you between 50 and 60% of the claimants on your list, and that's enough to have a great business! Buy you will miss some claims, because you won't get good claimant contact information for approximately one out of three claimants.

On a run of the mill 20 to $30,000 claim that's really not that important. There are so many of those claims to pursue that if you lose a few of them, it simply won't matter if you don’t find the claimant using our base skip tracing training that we teach in the overages course. The ones we really need to find are people owed large claims of $100,000 or more where you can enjoy $40,000 Or even higher paydays. Those paydays cannot happen if you don't find the claimant. Those large overages claims are the kinds of claims that I want you to get. And that's exactly what we address with this special advanced skip tracing training. Finding more people – especially the ones owed the most money.

I'm sure you will agree that any claim over $50,000 merits extra efforts skip tracing, and for any claim $100,000 or above, you need to pull out all the stops to find that claimant so you can sign them up. After all a $50,000 claim is worth $20,000 in commissions to you and $100,000 claim that's worth $40,000 in commissions! And there are even claims of hundreds of thousands of dollars which could be worth six figures to you!

And remember small claims are exactly the same amount of work as large claims. You just take a heck of a lot more money on large claims!

So it makes sense to know all you can about skip tracing and to put extra effort to find people owed large claims so that you can enjoy those huge payouts from large claims.

And if you find the hard to find claimant chances are no one else has ever contacted them about the claim so there is likely no competition since you are the only one who will find them! But finding claimants owed a lot of money doesn't just take extra effort. It takes extra knowledge, extra expertise that frankly most people don't have. But with our special private investigator based skip tracing training, you will have the knowledge to find more of those under-the-radar high ticket claims.

Those big ticket overages, can help you achieve financial freedom much more quickly, could put you in a position to quit your day job much more quickly or even to retire at a younger age.

I know how important being highly skilled at skip tracing is because we are in the business and these advanced skills we teach in this advanced skip tracing just landed us get this a $485,000 claim!


    ere's how that worked.

We found the $485,000 claim on the county overages list. We tried to quick and easy search methods same as we teach the base overages course, however, we could not find good contact information for the claimant. And that's not really surprising since approximately a third of the time the basic skip tracing methods will not get you good contact information. That's normal. 

You will never find good contact information for every claimant and the skip tracing training in our base course will typically get you good claimant contact information fifty to sixty percent of the time. And that is enough to run a great business.

But this was a big claim, so we really want to pull out all the stops since the commission was $194,000. And folks, we're not quitters. We don't give up especially when there's $194,000 at stake. And I know that you're not a quitter, either. I believe in you. So we took out our advanced skip tracing tools and techniques, the ones that are private investigator teachers in our advanced PI Skip training course, we found that claimant and we signed him, so we could get that $194,000 payday!

Now if we hadn't used our bands PR skip tracing tools, we would not have been able to find that claimant and we couldn't sign them up and we would have missed that $194,000.

I was not going to let that happen. No sir. My parents did not raise me that way. So if you don't want to miss your own $194,000 paydays you will want our advanced private investigator skip tracing training.

We developed this advanced skip tracing training on total necessity. Yes, we were finding approximately two thirds of claimants using exactly the same base skip tracing training that you get with our overages course. And yes, we were making a lot of money. But we realized that there were claimants that we simply couldn't find and those are people with a lot of money, that really bothered me!

I lost sleep over those large claims where we could not find the claimant! And not only did we not get our payday a claimant whose life could be transformed by a large infusion of cash never gets their money! 

Are you like me? Do you lose sleep and lose out on the big payday and feel badly because you could not help someone?

Before we had this advanced PI Skip tracing training we hired private investigators and we spent a ton of up front money on those private investigators. They were helping us find those hard to find claimants, but I did not paying thousands of dollars up front in the hopes of finding someone and then only making money if they signed up.

I thought to myself, no, there has to be a better way. So we hired a licensed and experienced private investigator to teach us the closely guarded secrets of exactly how private investigators find missing people. And it's made all the difference. It is one of the greatest investments I've ever made.  Now we find more claimants, especially more big ticket claimants than ever imagine that had been ever possible.

And we make more money than I ever dreamed of making. And I want you to have that same experience of being able to find more claimants, and especially those hard to find claimants who are owed a lot of money so your business can prosper from those big paydays and you can help people in amazing ways – maybe even getting them enough money to buy a new house free and clear!

    Would you like to find more of those big claimants for your overages business so that you can make those big big paydays and help more people?

If so, then this special advanced PI Skip tracing training is absolutely for you.
Alternatively you could simply hire a private investigator and set costs of several hundred to several thousand dollars per claim. With no guarantee that the claimant you pay to find will sign up with you even though you pay the private investigator up front. So whether they find the missing claimant or not, you pay them up front.

But if you want to be more in control of your business and not be stuck with fronting money to private investigators for one of those elusive claims where the money involved is huge, but the person is hard to find, instead of hiring a private investigator, instead, get this special private investigator skip tracing training.

We designed this training for people just like you. Make no mistake, this is about really big claims. The ones that make a difference to your bottom line, to your family to the claimants. On most county list, you will find at least two or three claims one hundred thousand dollars and higher. And in large counties you will find many six figure claims - sometimes even dozens.

Using our basic skip tracing training that you get with the overages course you are going to find fifty to sixty percent of all claimants, including the claimants owed a lot of money.

  So statistically speaking, you're going to find approximately two out of three claimants and you're not going to find approximately one out of three claimants.

  So one out of three times, you're not going be able find the people with really huge overages, where you can make huge amount of money with them.

  Just imagine how frustrating it will be to look at a $100,000 claim and not being able to find the claimant using the normal base skip tracing methods we teach in the course.

  We are talking about claims where it's a $40,000 or greater commission at stake. Now, if you don't find them, you can't help them and you can't make any money with them. That is like the dictionary definition of frustration. Because we had experienced that extreme frustration far too often we developed this advanced skip tracing training that I am here to offer you.

  We were hiring private investigators paying them hundreds and even thousands of dollars upfront to find those hard find clients for us. People owed six figure overages. That was absolutely crazy because we paid whether we succeeded or not.

  I do not want you to have to go through what I went through. I don’t want you to pay any investigator I want to empower you to find those hard to find, big ticket claimants!

Learn these closely guarded trade secrets of
 Top Private Investigators.

That's the power you're going to have when you learn these closely guarded trade secrets of top private investigators. We had to write a really big check get a superstar private investigator to pull back the curtain and teach us his trade secrets. We still can't find everyone, but we find many people we never would have found because we know the tools, websites and techniques that professional private investigators use. We have made back our investment many times over and I know you will to.

Do you want to set yourself up for $40,000, $50,000 and even larger paydays? Like our team and so many my students have experienced? 

and by the way, there's a gigantic side benefit with this training you're going to be able to find claimants that other people cannot find. And therefore you're going to be talking to people that probably no one else is even talking to. That means that you'll have very little or even no competition on those under the radar claimants owed very large claims.

The claims we're talking about offer you enormous profits and enormous help to the claimants you find. And when you have this advanced private investigator skip tracing training, you can find claimants the ordinary overages finder simply cannot find. For them. It's like trying to find the invisible man or the invisible woman!

But with this special advanced private investigator based training, you will be able to find them you will literally be able to find and see contact information that 99% of overages professionals cannot! if you want to find more claimants and set yourself up for more paydays and bigger paydays, were no one else can find them and you are the only game in town for those large claimants then this training is for you.

I spent thousands of dollars to get the private investigator to pull back the curtain on how professional private investigators find people. This is your chance to have that same advanced skip tracing training, and it will not cost you thousands of dollars. I already paid that money which means you don't have to. Don't just love that!

So Here's the special offer. 

We have a complete private investigator based skip tracing Training for you with all the strategies, tools and techniques that the superstar private investigator taught us. Training you can put to immediate use to find more clients and make more money without having hired a private investigator.

This powerful private investigator training will show you the insider techniques and strategies that you need. 

  You're also going to be introduced and shown how to use the sophisticated websites that the general public never hears about. Folks. These are the websites that many of the professional PI's use. 

  Most of these websites are either free or very low cost, yet they're as good or better than the very expensive websites. I know how much money that will save you and it makes me smile.

  First you're going to learn exactly where the professional PI's start their searches. I was actually shocked to learn that the professional private investigators start their searches with a little known but publicly available and completely free online tool.

And when you get the special advanced skip tracing training, you will be an insider and you'll be able to use the special tool and many other tools we share with you so you can find more claimants, especially people owed very large overages, so you can sign them up, make the money and help them. Without paying private investigators hundreds or thousands of dollars up front!

The private investigator we hired to help develop this training gave us all the advanced tools, the advanced techniques and strategies that he uses, find people. It took him years to find these websites and tools and to learn how to use them, and with this training we're going to hand it over to you on a silver platter.

You're going to learn that getting the right phone number is your number one priority. Because reaching the claimants by phone is the best chance you have to sign them up. But have you noticed nowadays that some people change their numbers on a regular basis, that regular skip tracing resources, they often give you old, outdated or not in service phone numbers. It's like you hit brick wall.

There's no way of reaching that person who has a big claim where you could make forty, fifty thousand dollars or more with, IF you can find them.

So Here's the Solution 

In this training, the superstar pi will show you the surprising site their appeals the most current phone number for your future client. This website is entirely free and you can use it as soon as you get this course. So you'll be able to immediately put this powerful material to workso you can contact those hidden from you, high value clients. Also in addition to the phone number, we will show you how to find your physical and email addresses. Then you'll be able to use phone calls, sending them a letter or postcard, email and text messages together as a group to communicate with them and sign them up!

Some people have a preferred method or way of communicating. Maybe they get so many phone calls that they only answer phone calls from friends or relatives. And because people get so little in the mail today, an official looking letter in the mail from you telling them that there were a lot of money that will definitely get their attention and could easily get them to call you. So in this training our superstar PI is going to show you how to get full claimant contact information including addresses.

He will also show you


how to get user IDs for sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook. Some people today they literally live on social media.

They may not answer your phone calls, but if you hit them up on social media, you'll immediately have their full attention! Finding people on social media where you don’t have an existing connection can be more challenging than you could possibly ever think. 

On Facebook
alone there are well over a billion members so finding one person is difficult because there are so many people there. And also remember that on social media people often use nicknames which make them even harder to find it.

Powerful Techniques and Strategies 

In this powerful training we will show you all the powerful techniques and strategies that those professional PI's use it cut through this confusion to use social media and other methods to precisely locate exactly who you're looking for and get the correct social media address so you can reach out knowing you have the right person.

We'll also show you how to find the claim it's inside LLCs, partnerships, corporations etc. They don't get to hide from you inside a corporate shell! No sir. Think about how many more lucrative big ticket claims you're able to find! And finding them gives you the chance to sign them up!

Now, I know that many of you are driven by a desire to help your fellow man or a woman who's lost a property tax sale, in addition to making money of course, but also you're in this business to help people and so that's why I'm in this business. I picked this business because this lets me help people and make great money. So if you really want to help the most people you can, you really need to have this powerful advanced pi skip tracing course in your tool set. And right now you can add to your tool set that is super, super low price. More on that in a minute.

This course will help you be able to find and then be able to help more people. You will find more individuals who owned the property at the time of the tax sale and who are now eligible be to claim the overages and you will also be able to locate the people who held the property in a business entity sucha as an LLC, partnership, trust or corporation.

Therefore that business entity might be the proper claimant and you need to sign the business entity. Now that business entity can pay you 40% for your expertise. But to get paid, you have to find the people in charge of the business entity. And this is where this advanced PI skip tracing training is going to really help you, it's going to show you how to quickly find those people in charge of the business entities.

So in addition to be able to find people who were individually owed money, you'll be able to find entities owed large overages and you will be able to get to the right people who can hire you on behalf of the business entity.

Also estates where the owner died and that is why the property was lost at tax sale are common. The heirs can claim the money and in our advanced PI skip tracing training our PI will show you exactly how to find the heirs so that you can work with them and claim the funds. And let me tell you, these heirs are the happiest people in the world, they find out you can get them money and they are excited and of course, not surprised that their deceased relative had money they did not know about so often they are easier to sign up.

Here's the bottom line. This train will make you more money in less time because you'll be able to find more claimants so you can sign up more deals, find claimants owed large amounts of money that are hard to find and there is little competition because other overages finders cannot find them, and you can do it on your own without having to pay a private investigator.

This training is a bargain because just one single deal could be worth ten, twenty, thirty, even forty thousand dollars or more to you! And what makes this training such a bargain is you're going to pay less than five percent of the money you can make even from the smallest of those deals.

But only if you take advantage of this discounted offer now. 
Because after this special offer the price goes up.

Advanced Private Investigator Based Training

This advanced private investigator based training will enable you to find more claimants and hopefully do deals that you otherwise never would have done because you could not find the claimant, and hopefully you will do that several times a year which could bring in tens of thousands of dollars every time you find that hard to find claimant. And hopefully over the course of your business you will add in hundreds of thousands of dollars, or even millions of dollars more in profit into your business. And help many more down and out claimants get their fresh start in life from that overages money.

The ROI of this powerful training insanely high and that's what's it is intended to be. And in case you are wondering, the searches the PI teaches are not expensive to do. Many of the searches you will learn are free or very low cost.

What was expensive was putting this course together. I had to pay the PI a small fortune to get his trade secrets and confidential private investigator based strategies. Plus I paid a professional educator to organize, edit and polish all of his material at the material and then lay it out in a fascinating, easy to follow system. That's was expensive to do, but I wanted to guarantee that these techniques will be crystal clear to you very easy to use.

We could justify charging thousands of dollars for this training. After all it will hopefully help you to put tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket just every year. But I want this training to be accessible. And for that I am very comfortable charging $1,000 For these powerful PI trade secrets, tools techniques. And that is the regular price.

However today I have an amazing special offer for you. And despite the special offer you will get everyting. All of the superstar private investigators highly profitable and powerful insider secrets to deploy in your overages business. To find clients your competitors simply will not be able to find.

Click the button you see now and you will see the price and can lock in your super low discounted price on your copy of our advanced PI skip tracing training.

Remember this is a strictly one time offer. The second chance offer expires when you exit this page 
without clicking on the button to get the price and to get your copy.

So take advantage of this tremendous offer. Act decisively, push the button and get the advanced PI skip tracing training now! Find more claimants, find the claimants owed the most, and find the claimants no one else is talking to because they are hard to find. You will make a lot of money and help a lot of people! I know you're going to love this training. So clock the bu

That's enough to run a great business, but you're going to need more advanced training if you want to find some of those extra people that you can't find with the normal skip tracing methods.

And strangely enough, we reminded the students who called in for help that they were offered advanced skip tracing training when they invested in the overages course. A number of them said they did not remember seeing that offer.

 I am not sure if there was some computer glitch or if people just are pretending they didn't or just forgetful but I'll give everybody the benefit of doubt. Perhaps everyone did not see the offer for advanced skip tracing training, along with the special pricing available the time they invested in the overages course. So in case you did not see the offer at the time you invested in overates, to make sure that you have a fair opportunity to get the advanced PI skip tracing training. 

Here is a second chance. Second chances don't come along too often in life, but sometimes fortune smiles upon us and a second chance does come along, and this is your second chance.


he Level of Success


 he Level of Success

The level of success that you achieve in your overages business is largely dependent on you finding and signing up claimants. It's as simple and as powerful as this. The more claimants you find the more claimants you'll sign up and the more money you will make.

You can have all knowledge in the world about the overages business, but if you can't locate qualified claimants, you'll never make the big dollars that you deserve to make. It's a very, very simple formula. Claimants found equals profits made more clients found equals more profits made.

Now the skip tracing training and our base overages course will help you find most but certainly not all claimants that you're searching for. And only people you find can hire you.

The skip tracing that you learn in our base overages is typically going to get you between 50 and 60% of the claimants on your list, and that's enough to have a great business! Buy you will miss some claims, because you won't get good claimant contact information for approximately one out of three claimants.

On a run of the mill 20 to $30,000 claim that's really not that important. There are so many of those claims to pursue that if you lose a few of them, it simply won't matter if you don’t find the claimant using our base skip tracing training that we teach in the overages course. The ones we really need to find are people owed large claims of $100,000 or more where you can enjoy $40,000 Or even higher paydays. Those paydays cannot happen if you don't find the claimant. Those large overages claims are the kinds of claims that I want you to get. And that's exactly what we address with this special advanced skip tracing training. Finding more people – especially the ones owed the most money.

I'm sure you will agree that any claim over $50,000 merits extra efforts skip tracing, and for any claim $100,000 or above, you need to pull out all the stops to find that claimant so you can sign them up. After all a $50,000 claim is worth $20,000 in commissions to you and $100,000 claim that's worth $40,000 in commissions! And there are even claims of hundreds of thousands of dollars which could be worth six figures to you!

And remember small claims are exactly the same amount of work as large claims. You just take a heck of a lot more money on large claims!

So it makes sense to know all you can about skip tracing and to put extra effort to find people owed large claims so that you can enjoy those huge payouts from large claims.

And if you find the hard to find claimant chances are no one else has ever contacted them about the claim so there is likely no competition since you are the only one who will find them! But finding claimants owed a lot of money doesn't just take extra effort. It takes extra knowledge, extra expertise that frankly most people don't have. But with our special private investigator based skip tracing training, you will have the knowledge to find more of those under-the-radar high ticket claims.

Those big ticket overages, can help you achieve financial freedom much more quickly, could put you in a position to quit your day job much more quickly or even to retire at a younger age.

I know how important being highly skilled at skip tracing is because we are in the business and these advanced skills we teach in this advanced skip tracing just landed us get this a $485,000 claim!


   ere's how that worked.

We found the $485,000 claim on the county overages list. We tried to quick and easy search methods same as we teach the base overages course, however, we could not find good contact information for the claimant. And that's not really surprising since approximately a third of the time the basic skip tracing methods will not get you good contact information. That's normal. 

You will never find good contact information for every claimant and the skip tracing training in our base course will typically get you good claimant contact information fifty to sixty percent of the time. And that is enough to run a great business.

But this was a big claim, so we really want to pull out all the stops since the commission was $194,000. And folks, we're not quitters. We don't give up especially when there's $194,000 at stake. And I know that you're not a quitter, either. I believe in you. So we took out our advanced skip tracing tools and techniques, the ones that are private investigator teachers in our advanced PI Skip training course, we found that claimant and we signed him, so we could get that $194,000 payday!

Now if we hadn't used our bands PR skip tracing tools, we would not have been able to find that claimant and we couldn't sign them up and we would have missed that $194,000.

I was not going to let that happen. No sir. My parents did not raise me that way. So if you don't want to miss your own $194,000 paydays you will want our advanced private investigator skip tracing training.

We developed this advanced skip tracing training on total necessity. Yes, we were finding approximately two thirds of claimants using exactly the same base skip tracing training that you get with our overages course. And yes, we were making a lot of money. But we realized that there were claimants that we simply couldn't find and those are people with a lot of money, that really bothered me!

I lost sleep over those large claims where we could not find the claimant! And not only did we not get our payday a claimant whose life could be transformed by a large infusion of cash never gets their money! 

Are you like me? Do you lose sleep and lose out on the big payday and feel badly because you could not help someone?

Before we had this advanced PI Skip tracing training we hired private investigators and we spent a ton of up front money on those private investigators. They were helping us find those hard to find claimants, but I did not paying thousands of dollars up front in the hopes of finding someone and then only making money if they signed up.

I thought to myself, no, there has to be a better way. So we hired a licensed and experienced private investigator to teach us the closely guarded secrets of exactly how private investigators find missing people. And it's made all the difference. It is one of the greatest investments I've ever made.  Now we find more claimants, especially more big ticket claimants than ever imagine that had been ever possible.

And we make more money than I ever dreamed of making. And I want you to have that same experience of being able to find more claimants, and especially those hard to find claimants who are owed a lot of money so your business can prosper from those big paydays and you can help people in amazing ways – maybe even getting them enough money to buy a new house free and clear!

Would you like to find more of those big claimants for your overages business so that you can make those big big paydays and help more people?

If so, then this special advanced PI Skip tracing training is absolutely for you.
Alternatively you could simply hire a private investigator and set costs of several hundred to several thousand dollars per claim. With no guarantee that the claimant you pay to find will sign up with you even though you pay the private investigator up front. So whether they find the missing claimant or not, you pay them up front.

But if you want to be more in control of your business and not be stuck with fronting money to private investigators for one of those elusive claims where the money involved is huge, but the person is hard to find, instead of hiring a private investigator, instead, get this special private investigator skip tracing training.

We designed this training for people just like you. Make no mistake, this is about really big claims. The ones that make a difference to your bottom line, to your family to the claimants. On most county list, you will find at least two or three claims one hundred thousand dollars and higher. And in large counties you will find many six figure claims - sometimes even dozens.

Using our basic skip tracing training that you get with the overages course you are going to find fifty to sixty percent of all claimants, including the claimants owed a lot of money.

  So statistically speaking, you're going to find approximately two out of three claimants and you're not going to find approximately one out of three claimants.

  So one out of three times, you're not going be able find the people with really huge overages, where you can make huge amount of money with them.

  Just imagine how frustrating it will be to look at a $100,000 claim and not being able to find the claimant using the normal base skip tracing methods we teach in the course.

  We are talking about claims where it's a $40,000 or greater commission at stake. Now, if you don't find them, you can't help them and you can't make any money with them. That is like the dictionary definition of frustration. Because we had experienced that extreme frustration far too often we developed this advanced skip tracing training that I am here to offer you.

  We were hiring private investigators paying them hundreds and even thousands of dollars upfront to find those hard find clients for us. People owed six figure overages. That was absolutely crazy because we paid whether we succeeded or not.

  I do not want you to have to go through what I went through. I don’t want you to pay any investigator I want to empower you to find those hard to find, big ticket claimants!

Learn these closely guarded trade secrets of
 Top Private Investigators.

That's the power you're going to have when you learn these closely guarded trade secrets of top private investigators. We had to write a really big check get a superstar private investigator to pull back the curtain and teach us his trade secrets. We still can't find everyone, but we find many people we never would have found because we know the tools, websites and techniques that professional private investigators use. We have made back our investment many times over and I know you will to.

Do you want to set yourself up for $40,000, $50,000 and even larger paydays? Like our team and so many my students have experienced? 

and by the way, there's a gigantic side benefit with this training you're going to be able to find claimants that other people cannot find. And therefore you're going to be talking to people that probably no one else is even talking to. That means that you'll have very little or even no competition on those under the radar claimants owed very large claims.

The claims we're talking about offer you enormous profits and enormous help to the claimants you find. And when you have this advanced private investigator skip tracing training, you can find claimants the ordinary overages finder simply cannot find. For them. It's like trying to find the invisible man or the invisible woman!

But with this special advanced private investigator based training, you will be able to find them you will literally be able to find and see contact information that 99% of overages professionals cannot! if you want to find more claimants and set yourself up for more paydays and bigger paydays, were no one else can find them and you are the only game in town for those large claimants then this training is for you.

I spent thousands of dollars to get the private investigator to pull back the curtain on how professional private investigators find people. This is your chance to have that same advanced skip tracing training, and it will not cost you thousands of dollars. I already paid that money which means you don't have to. Don't just love that!

So Here's the special offer. 

We have a complete private investigator based skip tracing Training for you with all the strategies, tools and techniques that the superstar private investigator taught us. Training you can put to immediate use to find more clients and make more money without having hired a private investigator.

This powerful private investigator training will show you the insider techniques and strategies that you need. 

  You're also going to be introduced and shown how to use the sophisticated websites that the general public never hears about. Folks. These are the websites that many of the professional PI's use. 

  Most of these websites are either free or very low cost, yet they're as good or better than the very expensive websites. I know how much money that will save you and it makes me smile.

  First you're going to learn exactly where the professional PI's start their searches. I was actually shocked to learn that the professional private investigators start their searches with a little known but publicly available and completely free online tool.

And when you get the special advanced skip tracing training, you will be an insider and you'll be able to use the special tool and many other tools we share with you so you can find more claimants, especially people owed very large overages, so you can sign them up, make the money and help them. Without paying private investigators hundreds or thousands of dollars up front!

The private investigator we hired to help develop this training gave us all the advanced tools, the advanced techniques and strategies that he uses, find people. It took him years to find these websites and tools and to learn how to use them, and with this training we're going to hand it over to you on a silver platter.

You're going to learn that getting the right phone number is your number one priority. Because reaching the claimants by phone is the best chance you have to sign them up. But have you noticed nowadays that some people change their numbers on a regular basis, that regular skip tracing resources, they often give you old, outdated or not in service phone numbers. It's like you hit brick wall.

There's no way of reaching that person who has a big claim where you could make forty, fifty thousand dollars or more with, IF you can find them.

So Here's the Solution 

In this training, the superstar pi will show you the surprising site their appeals the most current phone number for your future client. This website is entirely free and you can use it as soon as you get this course. So you'll be able to immediately put this powerful material to workso you can contact those hidden from you, high value clients. Also in addition to the phone number, we will show you how to find your physical and email addresses. Then you'll be able to use phone calls, sending them a letter or postcard, email and text messages together as a group to communicate with them and sign them up!

Some people have a preferred method or way of communicating. Maybe they get so many phone calls that they only answer phone calls from friends or relatives. And because people get so little in the mail today, an official looking letter in the mail from you telling them that there were a lot of money that will definitely get their attention and could easily get them to call you. So in this training our superstar PI is going to show you how to get full claimant contact information including addresses.

He will also show you


how to get user IDs for sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook. Some people today they literally live on social media.

They may not answer your phone calls, but if you hit them up on social media, you'll immediately have their full attention! Finding people on social media where you don’t have an existing connection can be more challenging than you could possibly ever think. 

On Facebook
alone there are well over a billion members so finding one person is difficult because there are so many people there. And also remember that on social media people often use nicknames which make them even harder to find it.

Powerful Techniques and Strategies 

In this powerful training we will show you all the powerful techniques and strategies that those professional PI's use it cut through this confusion to use social media and other methods to precisely locate exactly who you're looking for and get the correct social media address so you can reach out knowing you have the right person.

We'll also show you how to find the claim it's inside LLCs, partnerships, corporations etc. They don't get to hide from you inside a corporate shell! No sir. Think about how many more lucrative big ticket claims you're able to find! And finding them gives you the chance to sign them up!

Now, I know that many of you are driven by a desire to help your fellow man or a woman who's lost a property tax sale, in addition to making money of course, but also you're in this business to help people and so that's why I'm in this business. I picked this business because this lets me help people and make great money. So if you really want to help the most people you can, you really need to have this powerful advanced pi skip tracing course in your tool set. And right now you can add to your tool set that is super, super low price. More on that in a minute.

This course will help you be able to find and then be able to help more people. You will find more individuals who owned the property at the time of the tax sale and who are now eligible be to claim the overages and you will also be able to locate the people who held the property in a business entity sucha as an LLC, partnership, trust or corporation.

Therefore that business entity might be the proper claimant and you need to sign the business entity. Now that business entity can pay you 40% for your expertise. But to get paid, you have to find the people in charge of the business entity. And this is where this advanced PI skip tracing training is going to really help you, it's going to show you how to quickly find those people in charge of the business entities.

So in addition to be able to find people who were individually owed money, you'll be able to find entities owed large overages and you will be able to get to the right people who can hire you on behalf of the business entity.

Also estates where the owner died and that is why the property was lost at tax sale are common. The heirs can claim the money and in our advanced PI skip tracing training our PI will show you exactly how to find the heirs so that you can work with them and claim the funds. And let me tell you, these heirs are the happiest people in the world, they find out you can get them money and they are excited and of course, not surprised that their deceased relative had money they did not know about so often they are easier to sign up.

Here's the bottom line. This train will make you more money in less time because you'll be able to find more claimants so you can sign up more deals, find claimants owed large amounts of money that are hard to find and there is little competition because other overages finders cannot find them, and you can do it on your own without having to pay a private investigator.

This training is a bargain because just one single deal could be worth ten, twenty, thirty, even forty thousand dollars or more to you! And what makes this training such a bargain is you're going to pay less than five percent of the money you can make even from the smallest of those deals.

But only if you take advantage of this discounted offer now. 
Because after this special offer the price goes up.

Advanced Private Investigator Based Training

This advanced private investigator based training will enable you to find more claimants and hopefully do deals that you otherwise never would have done because you could not find the claimant, and hopefully you will do that several times a year which could bring in tens of thousands of dollars every time you find that hard to find claimant. And hopefully over the course of your business you will add in hundreds of thousands of dollars, or even millions of dollars more in profit into your business. And help many more down and out claimants get their fresh start in life from that overages money.

The ROI of this powerful training insanely high and that's what's it is intended to be. And in case you are wondering, the searches the PI teaches are not expensive to do. Many of the searches you will learn are free or very low cost.

What was expensive was putting this course together. I had to pay the PI a small fortune to get his trade secrets and confidential private investigator based strategies. Plus I paid a professional educator to organize, edit and polish all of his material at the material and then lay it out in a fascinating, easy to follow system. That's was expensive to do, but I wanted to guarantee that these techniques will be crystal clear to you very easy to use.

We could justify charging thousands of dollars for this training. After all it will hopefully help you to put tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket just every year. But I want this training to be accessible. And for that I am very comfortable charging $1,000 For these powerful PI trade secrets, tools techniques. And that is the regular price.

However today I have an amazing special offer for you. And despite the special offer you will get everyting. All of the superstar private investigators highly profitable and powerful insider secrets to deploy in your overages business. To find clients your competitors simply will not be able to find.

Click the button you see now and you will see the price and can lock in your super low discounted price on your copy of our advanced PI skip tracing training.

Remember this is a strictly one time offer. The second chance offer expires when you exit this page 
without clicking on the button to get the price and to get your copy.

So take advantage of this tremendous offer. Act decisively, push the button and get the advanced PI skip tracing training now! Find more claimants, find the claimants owed the most, and find the claimants no one else is talking to because they are hard to find. You will make a lot of money and help a lot of people! I know you're going to love this training. So clock the bu

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